A-B-C Rule To Win The Homework Battle

by SchoolWiser Last Updated 21-Jun-16
A-B-C Rule To Win The Homework Battle | SchoolWiser Blog Featured Image

Your child comes back from school and is tired and hungry. After resting he wants to play. He will do whatever he can to avoid that regular activity that involves him sitting with his books and studying. Yes, the very thing we all hated when we were growing up – Homework. It is not only a hassle for kids but also for parents, though they know the importance of it but making their child finish the homework can be quite a task. So let’s go back to basics to reduce the school homework hassle. Let’s go back to A-B-C.

A-B-C Rule for Homework Trouble:

A as in Availability – Parents forget that they don’t have to correct their child’s mistakes as they happen; they just need to stay nearby. Be available to help them when needed. Let them make mistake and let them learn on their own. Parents should only suggest and give some direction. This really helps children to feel confident about themselves.

Mother sitting with child during homework time

B as in Breaking it up – Take breaks to refresh your and your child’s mind. Pause a bit to regroup and get back with a bang. In case there are lots of assignments, encourage your child to break up these school assignments into manageable chunks. If it is 2 hours homework, make sure to take 15 minute break every hour. It will be less stressful and more productive.

C as in Consistency – Consistency brings out productivity and increases the concentration level. By scheduling a regular study time, the child is mentally prepared and plans his day accordingly, and so can you.

Is that enough? Well I think there is a D-E-F to it as well..

D as in Distractions – It’s imperative to keep the distractions like TV, loud music or phone calls to a minimum. Lesser the sounds, more attentiveness can be ensured.

 Homework without any distraction

E as in Efforts – Praise your child for the work done and the effort he has put in. Clap for him, give him hi-5, pat on his back or mention how nicely he did his homework to others at home. This really boosts up their morale.

F as in Friendly environment – Set up a homework friendly environment. Fix up a place for homework and make sure it is well-lit and has sufficient supplies (pencil, eraser, pen, ruler, etc.) within reach. A special homework place or study place makes a big difference. Children do better when they have clearly defined expectations and a place where they are supposed to do their homework.

Child doing her homework at study table

So, reduce the homework hassle by following the A-B-C-D-E-F mantra and see the magic happen. Thank us later!! ;)

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